Phun Stuff (Miscellaneous)

Right off the bat, I want to apologize for the bad pun in the title of this section. The alliteration was going so well, it seemed a shame to let it break it here. But as you may guessed, this section is essentially a dumping ground for any topics or information that didn't seem to fit anywhere else.

I've been using Palm handheld devices for years, and friends and colleagues have taken to asking me for information or for my opinions somewhat frequently. For these people, I've compiled a comparison of Palm handhelds, summarizing my knowledge and thoughts on the various Palm Computing devices, along with some "clones" now becoming available from other vendors.

I've also put together a list of Starbucks City Mugs from the first (1994) collectible series. I spent most of 1999 maniacally collecting these, and sharing this information with anyone else interested in trading — particularly for the last few mugs I don't yet have.

Copyright © 2000
Last updated: 03 Apr 2000 19:40:13